Jalaukavacharana Leech Therapy

Jalaukavacharana Leech Therapy
March 01, 2023

Jalaukavacharana Leech Therapy

JalokaAvcharan, popularly known as leech therapy is an Ayurvedic para-surgical treatment modality. It is a non-invasive blood purification procedure (therapy). Here, Jaloka (Medicinal Leeches) is used to suck the impure blood from the affected part of the body.

a. Jaloka detoxifies the blood and improves the blood circulation.

b. Jaloka helps in dissolving blood clots and cleaning vessels.

c. JalokaAvcharan is a very effective procedure where the disease is localized to a small area.

Some Diseases in which Leech Therapy is done:

1. Alopecia

2. Acne

3. Skin Diseases like eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.

4. Diabetic wounds

5. Non-healing ulcers

6. Thrombosis

7. Varicose veins

How JalaukaAvcharan Works:

1. Medicinal leeches (usually Hirudo medicinalis) secrete peptides and proteins that work as anticoagulants.

2. When applied to a person’s skin, leeches pierce it with their suckers and insert anticoagulants through their saliva.

The leeches then extract blood from the person for a specific duration (usually 20 to 45 minutes). This relatively small amount of blood (up to 15 milliliters per leech) helps improve circulation and prevents blood clots.

1. Leeches leave behind small, Y-shaped wounds that usually heal without leaving scars.

Benefits of JalaukaAvcharan

1. Leech therapy is useful in many medical scenarios:

2. Diabetic Foot Ulcers: It can improve the prognosis and prevent amputations.

3. Cosmetic Surgery: In procedures where there’s a risk of losing soft tissue, tissues regrow without any need for surgery via leech therapy.

4. Circulatory Disorders: Leeches increase blood circulation and break up blood clots, hence this is the best available treatment for DVT and Varicose veins.

5. Cardiovascular Disease: it improves inflammation and blood flow.

6. Osteoarthritis: Clinical trials suggest it helps in inflammation management in joint disease.

7. Hypertension, Varicose Veins, Hemorrhoids, and Skin Problems: Chemicals from leech's saliva have been used in pharmaceutical drugs.

So many benefits but you will only be able to see remarkable results when a qualified Ayurveda doctor administers leech therapy after a proper analysis of the patient and disease.


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