Nadi Pariksha Pulse Diagnosis

Nadi Pariksha Pulse Diagnosis

Nadi Pariksha Pulse Diagnosis

All learned Vaidyas (Ayurvedic Physicians) check your Nadi (Pulse) to take an overview of your body and disease.

Pulse diagnosis helps in the assessment of various physiological and mental characteristics, it helps in the assessment of the Doshas and their balance Or disbalance in a person's body. This manual technique of assessment of Nadi has some shortcomings as it requires decades of practice by a Vaidya to master it.

To our great pleasure, this age-old practice of Nadi Pariksha has now become technology-driven, without any human errors a perfect Nadi Diagnosis is done at our center Dr. Batra's Ayurveda.

Nadi Report 
Detects Dosha Imbalances with low, medium, and high references for each parameter. Compare my current Nadi patterns with averaged healthy dosha patterns.

Progress Tracking 
With treatment via Nadi assessment, we can track your progress by comparing your Nadi reports taken at different times during the treatment. language for the patient. The patient gets clear evidence of their treatment’s effectiveness over time.

Easy Report Interpretation
We provide 2 personalized reports one which is technical and understood by a Vaidya and another which is made simple for easy understanding of the patient. A detailed description of the dos and don'ts, Dietary regime, and seasonal regime are provided with the report. We also provide a one-week personalized diet plan with the report. 

Anyone post the age of 7 years can get their Nadi Diagnosis done at Dr. Batra's Ayurveda.

  • Category: Nadi Pariksha - Pulse Diagnosis
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