Swarnaprashan Ayurvedic Immunisation

Swarnaprashan Ayurvedic Immunisation

Swarnaprashan Ayurvedic Immunisation

Swarna Prashana is an Ayurvedic medicinal formulation to improve immunity in children. It is a method of administering Swarna Bhasma in very minute quantities to improve immunity, strength, memory, and intelligence in children. The original reference for this technique is mentioned in Kashyapa Samhita.

Swarnprashan is a unique immunity-boosting preparation administered on the auspicious Pushya Nakshatra day. It is one of the essential sanskaras mentioned in Ayurveda for improving the overall health of children.

Swarnprashan consists of gold particles mixed with other natural substances such as honey, ghee (clarified butter), and Medya (nootropic) herbs. These ingredients are combined to form a fine paste or syrup that is administered to children in drop-wise form.

Benefits of Swanaprashan:

  • मेधोवर्धन - Improves intellect and memory
  • अग्निवर्धन - improves digestion
  • बलवर्धन - improves physical strength
  • आयुष्य - improves life expectancy
  • मंगल्याकर - auspicious

  • Category: Swarnaprashan - Ayurvedic Immunisation
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